Technology knows no limit.
Due to the current situation, our administrators have been discussing and trying various ways to communicate effectively. The best and most convenient way is Zoom application (

Their main concern is reaching out to our beloved SAKURA students who haven’t responded to the virtual teaching and learning sessions done by teachers.
On the 24th of March, our Bonda and Senior Assistant of Academic Affairs had a trial meeting via Zoom.

And on the 25th of March, they had the first Management Meeting via Zoom discussing mostly about reaching out to our students and online learning.

Another video conference will be done with all teachers this upcoming 27th March. And yes, it is mainly to discuss regarding virtual teaching and learning sessions.
Students, we really do need your cooperation to make this work. Parents/Guardians, you are our aide.
Together we strive during this hard time. We can do this!
Last but not least, stay safe everyone! 🌸

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