Oct 18, 2021 | Berita Guru, Berita Pelajar, Berita Sekolah
Teen Vaccination Programme Form 1-3 Dose 2 (Program Vaksinasi Remaja – PICK) Attention to Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 students. Please read and understand the infographic for the second dose vaccination which will be held this Thursday (21 October 2021). The venue...
Oct 18, 2021 | Berita Guru, Berita Pelajar, Berita Sekolah
We are pleased to welcome our Galileo students back to school. We believe they are reenergized and focused on achieving their goals, our goals and of course SAKURA’s goals. Parents, be rest assured. Your children are in good hands. In shaa Allah. Worry not. Lets move...
Oct 18, 2021 | Berita Sekolah
We would like to thank, Mr. Nazrie bin Hizazi, Penolong Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah, Unit Hal Ehwal Murid, Sektor Pembangunan Murid, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Padawan for the hand over of the facemasks. They are truly committed in the well-being of our students and...
Oct 13, 2021 | Berita Pelajar, Berita Sekolah
CONGRATULATIONS and WELL DONE to English Club which is led by Mdm Noor Nui Nadia binti Sadri Sham and Mdm Eda Sie Chang Le for organizing such an excellent programme. We are so proud of the contestants for signing up and we sure know that it wasn’t at all easy. We...
Oct 13, 2021 | Berita Guru, Berita Pelajar, Berita Sekolah
11-12/10/2021 We would like to congratulate Awang Khalishul Amal bin Awang Irwan for winning the 2nd place in the competition. WELL DONE! We would also like to congratulate the teacher in charge, Mdm Amira Nadia binti Hj Bokhairi for facilitating the student....
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