Sep 12, 2021 | Berita Guru, Berita Pelajar, Berita Sekolah
CONGRATULATIONS to our students, Dania Hazmie binti Zuraimie for winning the silver award & Uzma Arissya binti Umar for winning the bronze award. We are indeed very proud of them! We would also like to congratulate, Mr Berudi anak Ngelambai for mentoring and...
Sep 10, 2021 | Berita Guru, Berita Sekolah
SAKURA would like to wish ALL THE BEST to Ms Nur Adilah binti Che Arif who will be reporting to SBPI Rawang. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done and sacrificed for SAKURA. May you continue to excel no matter where you are! THANK YOU AGAIN, Cikgu. You...
Sep 10, 2021 | Berita Guru, Berita Pelajar, Berita Sekolah
To all Form 4 and Form 5 students of SAKURA. Please read and understand the infographic on vaccination day. We hope that students will try their very best to abide by the regulations. Make sure to bring along all the things you need for vaccination. Take care! See you...
Sep 10, 2021 | Berita Guru, Berita Pelajar, Berita Sekolah
Thank you to Ms Noor Nui Nadia binti Sadri Sham for organizing the sharing session. The programme was an extension of the SAS-SGE 2021 Programme which was held a few weeks back. We would also like to thank the mentors (students) for helping out and handling the...
Sep 9, 2021 | Berita Guru, Berita Pelajar, Berita Sekolah
Congratulations to our student, Norashikin binti Wahed for the placing she got in the competition. Well done to both student and teacher in charge, Ms Aisyah Athira binti Isa. Once again, congratulations! #MekarSAKURA 🌸
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