Kangaroo Math Competition

Kangaroo Math Competition

CONGRATULATIONS and WELL DONE to participants of Kangaroo Math Competition which was held in July. We would also like to congratulate the teacher in charge, Mdm Rohaiza binti Bokhari for facilitating our students. We believe that the participants managed to learned a...
Taklimat Pengoperasian Sekolah

Taklimat Pengoperasian Sekolah

A briefing session was held separately for our AKP (Anggota Kakitangan Pelaksana) and contractors (PKK/KBK/BMB/KANTIN) before school session resumes. We are highly committed towards the effort to make sure that we adhere to the SOP. Special thanks to all staff for...
Thank You, Mr. Japar!

Thank You, Mr. Japar!

SAKURA would like to thank Mr Mohd Japar bin Mohamad Monir for his excellent service from February – October 2021, initially as a practicum teacher and then as a sub in SAKURA. Thank you for your altruistic commitment especially towards our students during Pdpr....