Berita Sekolah

Info Maklumat Terkini SMK Sains Kuching Utara

Thank You 🌸

Thank You 🌸

SAKURA would like to say goodbye to Ms Willma anak William Chendang and Ms Nurul Azwa Binti Mohd Azizy Jeffery as they have completed their teaching practice with us. Thank you for your commitment especially towards our students during Pdpr. We hoped that you’ve...

Thank You, Ms. Ng!

Thank You, Ms. Ng!

SAKURA would like to thank Ms. Ng Chai Lin (BCK’s substitute teacher) for her service from May - July 2021. Thank you for your commitment especially towards our students during Pdpr. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors. THANK YOU! Till next time...



CONGRATULATIONS and WELL DONE to participants and teachers-in-charge for SARAWAK YOUTH TALENT 2021. All 18 out of 20 spots for Top 5 Winners & 15 Commended Posters are secured by students from SM Sains Kuching Utara. The list of excellent students are as follows:...

Klinik Al-Fatihah

Klinik Al-Fatihah

Sempena sambutan Awal Muharam tempoh hari, guru pelatih program perantis guru dari UPSI dengan kerjasama Panitia Pendidikan Islam dan BADAR SAKURA telah mengambil inisiatif untuk mengadakan klinik Al-Fatihah kepada anak-anak Einstein. Syabas dan tahniah atas...

Keputusan Pertandingan (BM) Peringkat Daerah Padawan

Berikut merupakan senarai pertandingan (Bahasa Melayu) peringkat daerah Padawan yang telah disertai oleh anak-anak SAKURA serta keputusan pertandingan. 1.Sayembara Lagu Puisi - Johan Pelajar yg terlibat:Awangku Arif Syamzani bin Awg ZuparizanMuhammad Izaat bin...